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Better Late Than Never Lv 5

Marca: Cambridge University Referência: 9781107671492
EAN: 9781107671492

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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student´s capabilities. Alexandria, Egypt. Anika and Zaphira are sitting at a seafront café. Suddenly, there is a huge explosion which knocks them over and changes their lives for ever. Both teenage girls learn a lot about each other as they struggle to survive, and to understand what has happened and why. And their combined strength is a surprise to the men they come up against. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CDs with complete text recordings from the book.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,181 kg
Número de páginas: 96
Ano de edição: 2013
ISBN 10: 1107671493
ISBN 13: 9781107671492
Altura: 20
Largura: 13
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 1
Faixa etária final : Adultos +21 anos
Faixa etária inicial : Jovens Adultos 15-21 anos
Idioma : Inglês Britânico
Método de ensino : Estudo orientado e/ou individual
Nível de ensino final : Avançado
Nível de ensino inicial : Iniciantes
Volumes - Série & Curso : 6 Níveis de produtos
Assuntos : Leitura Simplificada
Assuntos : Paradidáticos e/ou leitura escolar
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