Emma With Cd - Intermediate
Emma Woodhouse was very pretty, very clever and very rich. She was charming too and she had many friends. Emma always thought she was right. Most of her friends agreed with her. Only Mr. Knightley thought she was wrong. Emma is a matchmaker - she thinks she knows who should marry whom. But Emma´s matchmaking causes mistakes and unhappiness. And Emma is so busy taking an interest in others´ lives that she does not notice her own, growing feelings for a man she believes is just a friend.
Detalhes do produto
Peso: | 0,21 kg |
Número de páginas: | 136 |
Ano de edição: | 2005 |
ISBN 10: | 140507454X |
ISBN 13: | 9781405074544 |
Altura: | 20 |
Largura: | 13 |
Comprimento: | 1 |
Edição: | 1 |
Componente da série : | Livro |
Faixa etária final : | Adultos +21 anos |
Faixa etária inicial : | Jovens Adultos 15-21 anos |
Método de ensino : | Estudo orientado e/ou individual |
Nível de ensino final : | Avançado |
Nível de ensino inicial : | Iniciantes |
Tipo de ensino : | ELT - Inglês como 2a Língua |
Volumes - Série & Curso : | 6 Níveis de produtos |
Assuntos : | Leitura Simplificada |
Assuntos : | Paradidáticos e/ou leitura escolar |
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